Searching a Voice Talent

Vocal Age

In order to find the broadest range possible, we only distinguish the pitch in 4 categories:

  • Young
    18-30 years
  • Medium minus
    25-45 years
  • Medium plus
    35-60 years
  • Old
    50-80 years


There are, therefore, significant overlaps which are likely to show a tendency without an all-round exclusion.


... stands for the languages spoken by the speaker more or less well. Thereafter, when e.g. A German text contains many French foreign words.

Native Language

Here one can find the VO-artists, who have grown up with this language and master it in a mother tongue.


In this city, the voice-artist will be available for a personal production in the short term. If you take over the additional costs for a remote production and want to have a larger selection, you leave this field free.


The country where the voice-artist lives. Default is GERMANY.

Live Action

Here you can find the speakers who enjoy acting in front of the camera.As influencers, moderators or simply to introduce themselves personally.

Own Recording facility

Here you can find voice-artists with an own vocal-booth and technical equipment for long distance productions.


If the voice-artist was logged into his profile within the last 12 months, the 5 stars appear. You can search for it and then be sure that it is a well-groomed profile and is thus up-to-date.

Die Favoritenliste (Favorite List)

When searching for a voice sample, you can memorize the individual sample files and save them in a favorite list.

You can save the URL (i.e. the link) of your list with or without login. If you save without login, copy the two links so that you can use them later.

With login you can archive your favorite lists in your account.

Would you like to create an account with us? No problem, please contact Loft Voices Team /

You can always copy the links to your browser's URL and view your favorites list. With the second link (pen) you can also call the list and remove additional entries. The list is then changed and can also be called under the first link only with the new order.

The remote entries can be activated again at any time and then again visible under the eye link.

Adding files to your list

Use the link with the small pencil symbol (see figure above) to view your favorite list. If you want to add additional voice samples, simply click on the plus sign (+) and select additional voice samples in the search form. Then click on your FAVORITES in the menu and decide if you want to save the new list.